Friday, April 8, 2011

It's not my fault you're still fat

I'm a personal trainer....well I've done it enough to say I am. I've just started the "business" of being in business. I used to be a character from "Office Space". I lived in a cube and did about 45 mins of real work every day. - Not really I was pretty good at what I did. I just didn't like it. I had had enough of treading water and not making a real dent in ...well, anything. Run this report, analyze this, chart that, stick that in a spreadsheet, make a power point presentation, fill out your TPS report...what the hell is a TPS report? Actually TPS reports aren't real, at least I hope not. I never filed one...anyway more on that later.

So I have clients that contact me through my website or word of mouth. I meet with them and we talk about their goals and what they hope to achieve from out training sessions. ALMOST 100% of the time it's I want to lose weight. This is what I now live for. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Once they meet with me, they are hooked. they've taken the time to search and vet me out and are now personally invested. I don't directly try to take advantage of that, but it's hard not to want to. You see, I like successes, which is why I meet with people first; so they can see me and I can see them. Will we work well together, will the client work, follow directions, take suggestions etc... I get some clients who work really hard and do great. I get some who just go through the motions. Then there are those who piss and moan about it all. All three are fine, but what really pisses me off, is after I've spent my time (paid of course), to create workouts, establish and suggest diet changes, give suggestions for workouts when we don't meet, get up EARLY EARLY in the mornings to drag myself to where ever we meet, and I still get complaints about "I'm not losing weight." Not only do they complain but they blame me.

So to the "I didn't make you lose weight complainers"...I'm about to write you a reality check, or would you prefer the cold, hard cash of truth?

I bust your ass every day that we meet. That I guarantee. You are the ones that choose to workout only 3 times a week or less, but yet you want to lose 30 pounds. How are you going to do that? You are that ones that go out at night and drink beer and eat cheese fries because you think you did good by working out. You are the ones that don't take my advice and walk or do some other exercise on the days we don't meet. You are the ones that continue to ignore my diet advice. The fact of the matter is you MUST sacrifice to lose weight. YOU MUST make changes in your lifestyle. Paying me $35 per session (which is a GREAT DEAL by the way) isn't a magic weight loss bullet. Neither is Power 90, or Jillian Michaels, or anything else on DVD. A trainer and or exercise is only half of the solution. YOU ARE THE OTHER HALF! You are ultimately responsible for the changes you go through, for the goals you reach, for the weight you lose.

Bottom line:
You have to decide and make an choice to lose weight, to diet, to change your eating habits, to exercise...You pay me to hold you accountable...only on the days you choose to meet with me. So when a trainer; me or someone else, gives you advice...take it and follow it...unless it's stupid. Hopefully you'll know the difference. If not, just don't drop anything on your head.

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