Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I Reserve The Right

So I met with a client this evening, hoping to land them. I have to say generally, these are pretty easy going meetings, as both parties are on the same page and want the same things. So I was hopeful and expecting tonight to be no different.

Well it was different. I met my perspective client and her husband. Initially both seemed welcoming and hospitable. After sitting down we got right to it. However, before we actually got started my potential client's husband tried to, in my opinion, razz or frazzle me...perhaps break the ice with a straight and pointed question; "Am I any good". He's a boisterous type guy, I thought, from the short time I met him. Perhaps authoritative is a better word. Unfazed I replied "yes I think so and so do my clients".

After the initial "question/ice breaker" was over with, I start the conversation about myself, my background, education, and some other relevant history. So far things are going well. I ask my potential client about her goals, issues, and obstacles. She shared some of these things with me prior to our meeting, which I won't here for privacy reasons. Our back and forth conversation was going well. We both asked and answered questions, although I did feel that it was a little one sided (mine). This isn't all that uncommon though.

After a brief pause in our conversation the husband pipes up again. He has been sitting there the whole time pretty quite just listening, and making a few snickers at his wife's expense. This time however, he blasts another pointed question at me.

How many client pay you in full? - Then it changed to; How many clients like paying you up front? Which led to; What's gonna happen when I pay you and then never see you again?...what's your Plan B? - Oh I should note that he asked where I lived just before that. So looking back on the
conversation, I think to myself...was that a threat? I think it was.

So for the next 15 to 20 mins this guy busted my balls. From client lists, to official business certifications, to stealing from them, to how do I know if his wife is following my instructions when I'm not there. Look much of what he said were potentially very real concerns and perfectly fine questions. I don't have a problem with tough or directed questions. What I didn't like was his tone and demeanor. This guy wanted to show me that he was the boss, the "alpha male", the "good" business owner, the concerned (controlling? husband), unfortunately I don't respond well to that bullshit. While at the house I answered as best I could and let the tone and unfounded issues roll off. At one point I had to admit to him that I didn't know how to belay his concerns. However, later in the car and up to this very point, it really pisses me off.

You know some people are like that. They have to "bark", it's what they do. This guy seems to be better than mildly successful, but it seems that may have come at the expense of personal tact. So fortunately for me these client meetings go both ways. I HOPE to land a client, but sometimes they don't feel me and want to go a different direction. That's cool and fine by me, no hard feelings, that's business. I have the same right. If I meet with a client and I am not feeling that person, or their spouse decides to be overly zealous...even if borne out of concern...I reserve the right of no service.

Which is what I did.
After I got home I thought about it and it stewed, and stewed. Finally I had to send and email out. I basically thanked her for her time and let her know that after review and consideration of our meeting that I felt that another trainer may better fit her needs.

I thought to myself...is this going to validate some of the issues that the husband had? That perhaps he "scared" me straight, or at least enough to not bring that shit to his door? I really didn't want to validate him.
So I offered to provide references upon request. I don't care if they ask for them or not...but if they do I feel more than comfortable with the professionalism and quality of me and the service I provide.

I feel sorry for the lady...she needs some help and guidance. It's clear that without it she will continue to have her issues. If only her husband wasn't a dick.